Get Out

Exit Immediately
In case of a fire, don't stop for anything. Do not try to rescue possessions or pets. Go directly to your meeting place and then call the Fire Department from a neighbor's phone, a portable phone, or an alarm box. Every member of your household should know how to call the Fire Department.

Crawl low under smoke. Smoke contains deadly gases, and heat rises. During a fire, cleaner air will be near the floor. If you encounter smoke when using your primary exit, use an alternative escape route. If you must exit through smoke, crawl on your hands and knees, keeping your head 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 centimeters) above the floor.

And Stay Out
Once you are out of your home, don't go back for any reason. If people are trapped, firefighters have the best chance of rescuing them. The heat and smoke of a fire are overpowering. Firefighters have the training, experience, and protective equipment needed to enter burning buildings.